What Does Good Mind Health Look Like?

This year is being heralded by some as ‘2020 the year of plenty’, the rhyme is simple, positive and catchy, but a month in and many people have already broken their new year’s resolutions – to get fit, stop drinking, lose weight, be nicer to their partner or not get so stressed at work.  And … Read more

Infrared Therapy Sauna Programs now available at Remède

Infrared Therapy has arrived at Remède! With specific program settings for detoxification, weight loss, anti-ageing, pain relief, relaxation and cardiovascular health, infrared therapy can help almost everyone acheive their health goals What is Infrared Therapy? Infrared saunas are an effective tool for natural healing and prevention of chronic illness to enable people to live healthier … Read more

Stress Less This Christmas

Wait! What! Stop! …. It is not Christmas yet!! I hear you cry, and yes I am aware that we have more than a month to go, but as this can be a stressful time of year for some people I wanted to share a few tips prior to the commencement of the ‘silly season’, … Read more

Environmental Toxins & Hormones – Why Detoxification is Essential for Every Woman

Detoxification is one of the most powerful health practices you can do for your body and is becoming essential for the modern age. Up to 800 chemicals have been shown to affect a female’s intricate hormonal system, increasing the risk of thyroid disease, diabetes, obesity, cancer and more. We are Living in a Toxic Soup … Read more

The Wisdom of Anxiety

Currently the most commonly diagnosed mental health disorder in Australia is anxiety.  Yet in the right dose and at the right time anxiety is a perfectly normal and important part of our human experience.  I am often asked why is this happening? There is of course no single simple answer to this question, but understanding … Read more

Are Chemicals and Toxins Making You Fat?

Did you know there are foreign chemical compounds in our environment which can disrupt normal development and balance of lipid metabolism, which in some cases lead to obesity? They are found in various food containers, baby bottles, toys, plastics, cookware and cosmetics. When these chemicals enter your body, they can disrupt its normal function and … Read more

Signs of Oestrogen Dominance and How to Change It

Elevated oestrogen, in comparison to its protective counterpart progesterone, can create symptoms from heavy, painful periods to weight gain and fluid retention. Having excess oestrogen long term can contribute to conditions such as fibroids and exacerbate endometriosis and fibrocystic breasts. Working towards a healthier balance of oestrogen is important for both long term hormonal health … Read more

Understanding Myo Fascia Release

Myo Fascia Release is a treatment that our Remedial Massage therapist Holly Jones uses to focus on releasing muscle shortness and tightness. What is Fascia? Fascia is a connective tissue that surrounds and wraps around our muscles, bones, organs, blood vessels amd nerves. It is like our ‘ body stocking’ or ‘wet suit’. When fascia … Read more

Midwifery Care for Expecting Mothers

Sadly the caesarean section rate in WA has skyrocketed to 37.8% of all births. Leading this disturbing trend are private Hospitals such as St John of God Murdoch and Subiaco at 57.4% and 50.4% ( 2017). I advocate “Continuity of care” and Midwifery group practice as the preferred option for maternity care in low risk women. … Read more

The Importance of Preconception Care

If you were going to run a marathon, you would train beforehand to prepare, just like if you had an exam, you would (hopefully) do the study prior to going in. Then why isn’t it standard that we prepare for pregnancy, one of the biggest events the human body is likely to undertake? Australian data … Read more

How To Set SMART Goals This New Year

  It’s already February which means it’s a great time to reflect on the goals that you had planned in January to ensure you achieve those goals and make sure they stick! First off, good for you for wanting to make some changes to improve your health and wellness, whether it be to exercise more, … Read more

Balancing, Managing & Surviving the Christmas Season

By Daniella Princi, Psychologist Christmas is a time of joy and celebration, family and well, let’s face it- food! However, it has also become a time of stress, worry, sadness, and for some, conflict. So let’s get clear- it is not about “Time Management” or “Money Management”, but rather “Energy Management”. Where are you placing … Read more

Love Your Heart…and Blood Vessels

Heart disease is the number one killer of Australians and about 90% of cardiovascular (CV) conditions are caused by diet and lifestyle factors such as obesity, toxicity, stress, poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle. Given this, there is a lot that we can do, that is within our power to help support healthy CV function … Read more

Newsletter – July 2018

In this issue we will discuss both menopausal and thyroid health and how natural medicine can offer you support in these areas. We also let you know about our Psychologist Daniella Princi’s upcoming “SHINE Through Exams” workshop in August and October.

Detox Do’s & Don’ts

We are surrounded by toxins on a daily basis, through foods, water, skin care, gardening, driving on polluted roads…. the list goes on! So it is important to stop every now and then and try to give the liver a helping hand. Here are some simple tips to take the burden off your liver and … Read more

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