Naturopath Perth

Naturopathic Medicine Perth

A complete, holistic approach


Naturopathic Medicine is an individualised style of healthcare that aims to treat the ‘whole person’. Naturopathy is a natural fit at Remède because it seeks to address the underlying causes of health problems and illness, not just the symptoms.

Through non-invasive treatments and proven medical grade natural medicine, our naturopaths can boost your body’s own natural healing response to restore health and vitality


A journey of discovery

The holistic nature of naturopathy means your practitioner will take the time to determine your full case history. There are many factors at play that can affect your health and wellness. These include your personal and family history, sleep quality, stress, diet, hormones, hydration, exposure to toxins and bowel health.

Discussing these factors will provide the context in which your practitioner can carry out specialist assessments and tests to diagnose disease and / or find out what underlying issues are triggering your health issues.

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Treatment Programs

Once a diagnosis has been made, your naturopath will formulate a specific treatment plan with a view to treating you wholly and holistically. Your program may incorporate herbal medicine, nutritional therapy, nutraceuticals or homeopathic medicine, as well as complementary diet and lifestyle recommendations.

Preventative Health Plans

We believe that prevention is always better than a cure. By taking into account your genetics (DNA), medical history and functional testing, your naturopath can work with you to identify health concerns that may arise in the future. Being proactive and obtaining a Preventative Health Plan means you’re well placed to take charge of your wellness for the long term.

A professional


All naturopathic medicine practitioners at Remède are highly qualified and undertake additional training in their specialist areas. Ongoing professional development ensures that every practitioner is across up-to-date research and maintaining high standards of care.

With a holistic approach in mind at all times, our practitioners can work in conjunction with any of your other healthcare providers. If it is necessary to inform other providers about your treatment, we will notify them with your consent.

Holistic treatment



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