Natural Support For Menopause

The way we experience menopause can be as varied as the way we experience puberty. Some women just stop menstruating, have minimal symptoms and hardly miss a beat, whereas for others it is an extremely challenging time where both physical and emotional symptoms are hard to cope with and can be debilitating and prolonged. Fortunately … Read more

Metabolic Syndrome

Now that Australia has been labelled “The Fattest Nation on Earth” we need to seriously look at Metabolic Syndrome and what that means for us and our long-term health. This syndrome is where pre-diabetes / diabetes (or poor blood glucose management and metaboism) and the onset of cardiovascular disease can affect you at the same … Read more

How To Get Meditating…in a fast and busy world!

Years ago when you heard the word ‘meditation’, it was mostly associated with yoga gurus or monks. However, research on meditation has now confirmed the numerous health benefits, both physically and mentally, and you are likely to find people such as CEO’s, football players, students and health professionals including meditation into their daily or weekly … Read more

Vitamin D…Glorious D!

Despite common misconceptions, Vitamin D is not just needed for bone health. Research has shown what a profound role vitamin D plays in a healthy immune system. Vitamin D receptors are expressed on our immune cells and research has shown that vitamin D has the ability to ‘modulate’ our immune response. This means that deficiencies … Read more

Food Allergy vs Food Intolerance

Many people with “food allergy” reactions may not have an actual allergy but sensitivity to the food. A “true” allergy is an IgE immune reaction. These allergies affect two to three percent of the population and can result in symptoms such as rash or hives, and or as drastic as anaphylaxis where the mouth and … Read more

Remede Newsletter June 2017

The focus this month is all about brain health and memory and how to stay young! Did you know there is also a link between the gut and the brain? Read on to find out your options for the most specific gut testing.

Remede Newsletter May 2017

In this issue we will tell you about the many benefits of vitamin A and signs of deficiency, the medicinal properties of Reishi Mushroom and highlight men’s hormonal health looking at testosterone deficiency.  

Understanding The Adrenal-Thyroid Connection

Are you exhausted, even after 8 hours sleep? Do you suffer from brain fog? Do you feel cold all the time or have difficulty losing weight? If this sounds like you, you may be suffering from a thyroid deficiency, or hypothyroidism. What’s important to understand is that in most cases, the malfunctioning thyroid gland isn’t … Read more

Do you suffer from IBS? You may have SIBO!

Approximately 11% of the population suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Studies have shown that of these people, 60-80% of them have a condition called Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth or SIBO. This is where the trillions of friendly bugs in our large intestine, migrate up into our small intestine (where they should not be) and … Read more

Attack on Complementary Medicine

The following article is from Dr Ross Walker who is an expert in the field of preventative cardiology and has published seven books. He gives lectures nationally and internationally.  A group of scientists and doctors who call themselves the “Friends of Science in Medicine” (FSM) are relaunching an attack on complementary medicine. During last week, … Read more

Natural Support For Menopause

The way we experience menopause can be as varied as the way we experience puberty. Some women just stop menstruating, have minimal symptoms and hardly miss a beat, whereas for others it is an extremely challenging time where both physical and emotional symptoms are hard to cope with and can be debilitating and prolonged. Fortunately … Read more

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